Registration SFCNS Imaging Course 2022

Thank you for your interest in the SFCNS Imaging Course 2022.
Online registration is mandatory and opened.

Register here for your participation


Members of the following societies may register as member:

Swiss Neurological Society SNS Swiss Society of Neurosurgery SSNS
Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology SSCN Swiss Society of Neuropaediatrics SSNP
Swiss Society of Neuroradiology SSNR Swiss Society of Neuropathology SSNPath
Swiss Society of Biological Psychiatry SSBP Swiss Headache Society SHS
Swiss Society of Neurorehabilitation SSNRehab Swiss Association of Neuropsychology SANP
Swiss Society of Behavioural Neurology SSBN Swiss Stroke Society SSS
Swiss Neuro-oncology Society SNOS Swiss Movement Society SMS
Swiss League Against Epilepsy SLaE Aphasie Suisse
Swiss Association of Young Neurologists SAYN Swiss Young Neurosurgeons Society SYNS
Young Clinical Neuroscientists YouCliN youngSVNP


Registration Fees SFCNS Imaging Course 01.10.2022

Early Bird
until 21.08.2022

from 22.08.2022
3 days SFCNS
Member physicians | Member psychologists
120 170 400
Non-member physicians | Non-member psychologists 150 200 500
Member residents, SAYN | SYNS | youngSVNP 100 150 180
Non-member residents 120 170 260
MTM 50 80 160
Students 50 75

Fees in CHF

Registration Fees 5th SFCNS Congress

Early Bird
until 21.08.2022  

from 22.08.2022
Imaging Course

Networking Event
 1 day 3 days  1 day 3 days 4 days  29.09.2022
Member physicians | Member psychologists
150 300 200 350 400 120
Non-member physicians | Non-member psychologists
200 400 250 450 500 120
Member residents,
60 120 80 160 180 60
Non-member residents 100 160 120 200 260 60
Neuroscience nurses, MTM,
50 100 70 140 160 60
Students 25 50 25 50 75 60

Fees in CHF

*The registration fees IG-NOPPS are covered by the SSNS. Therefore the participation is free of charge.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be electronically mailed to IMK.
Cancellations received up to August 30, 2022: 50% refund will be made
Cancellations received starting from August 31, 2022: no refund will be made