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Paper title Impact of Cerebral Microbleeds in Stroke Patients with Atrial Fibrillation taking antithrombotics: a sub-analysis from the Microbleeds International Collaborative Network (MICON)
Paper code P157
  1. Annaelle Zietz Universität Basel & Universitätsspital Basel Speaker
  2. Yannie Soo The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  3. Brian Yiu Division of Neurology
  4. Vincent Mok The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  5. Thomas Leung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  6. Winnie Chu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  7. Jill Abrigo The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  8. Alexandros Polymeris University Hospital Basel and University of Basel
  9. David Seiffge Inselspital Bern University Hospital, University of Bern
  10. Philippe Lyrer Universitätsspital Basel
  11. Jonathan Best Stroke Research Centre UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
  12. David Werring Stroke Research Centre UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
  13. Stefan Engelter Universitäre Altersmedizin - Felix Platter Spital
  14. Nils Peters Stroke Center, Klinik Hirslanden, Zürich
Form of presentation ePoster
  • Swiss Stroke Society SSS