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Paper title Antiseizure medication within 48h after the first seizure provides better seizure control than later treatment
Paper code P028
  1. Eric Ménétré University Hospitals and University, Geneva Speaker
  2. Pia De Stefano University Hospitals of Geneva
  3. Pierre Mégevand University Hospitals of Geneva
  4. François Sarasin University Hospitals of Geneva
  5. Maria Isabel Vargas HUG Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève
  6. Andreas Kleinschmidt HUG Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève
  7. Serge Vulliémoz Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and University of Geneva (Unige)
  8. Fabienne Picard Hôpitaux universitaire de Genève
  9. Margitta Seeck HUG Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève et Université de Genève - faculté de médecine
Form of presentation ePoster Session & ePoster
  • Swiss League against Epilepsy SLaE