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Paper title Immunotherapeutic targeting of Fibroblast Activation Protein (FAP) using CAR-T cells in treatment refractory Glioblastoma
Paper code P122
  1. Nazanin Tatari University Hospital Basel Speaker
  2. Timo Schenker University Hospital Basel
  3. Reto Ritschard University Hospital Basel
  4. Andreas Zingg University Hospital Basel
  5. Helen Thut University Hospital Basel
  6. Manina Etter University Hospital Basel
  7. Natalia Rodrigues Mantuano University Hospital Basel
  8. Lukas Jeker University Hospital Basel
  9. Frank Stenner University Hospital Basel
  10. Ulf Petrausch Hirslanden Clinic Zurich
  11. Christoph Renner Hirslanden Clinic Zurich
  12. Heinz Läubli University Hospital Basel and University of Basel, Department of Biomedicine, Basel, Switzerland
  13. Gregor Hutter University Hospital Basel and University of Basel, Department of Biomedicine, Basel, Switzerland
Form of presentation ePoster
  • Swiss Society of Neurosurgery SSNS