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Paper title Quantitative susceptibility mapping using MRI in adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and healthy controls - iron load as a potential sign of accelerated aging?
Paper code P150
  1. Jatta Berberat Kantonsspital Aarau AG Speaker
  2. Claudia Späni PUK Zürich
  3. Sara Romer PUK Zürich
  4. Philipp Stämpfli PUK Zürich
  5. Xu Li John Hopkins University
  6. Jun Hua Johns Hopkins University
  7. Peter van Zijl John Hopkins University
  8. Karl-Olof Lövblad Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève HUG
  9. Erich Seifritz Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich
  10. Boris B. Quednow PUK Zürich
  11. Paul G. Unschuld University Hospitals of Geneva and University of Geneva
Form of presentation ePoster
  • Swiss Society of Neuroradiology SSNR