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Paper title Innovation of techniques for safe neurosurgery: quantitative functional brain mapping imaging using Arterial Spin Labelling
Paper code P017
  1. Giannina Rita Iannotti University Hospitals of Geneva Speaker
  2. Isaure Naudin University Hospital of Geneva
  3. Vladimira Ivanova University Hospital of Geneva, Department of Neurosurgery, Geneva, Switzerland
  4. Quentin Tourdot University of Montpellier, Faculty of Pharmacy, Montpellier, France
  5. Shahan Momjian University Hospital of Geneva, Department of Neurosurgery, Geneva, Switzerland
  6. Karl-Olof Lövblad Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève HUG
  7. Karl Schaller University Hospital of Geneva, Department of Neurosurgery, Geneva, Switzerland
  8. Frederic Grouiller University of Geneva, Laboratory of Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Department of Fundamental Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland
Form of presentation ePoster Session & ePoster
  • Swiss Society of Neurosurgery SSNS